The Pontiac Agricultural Society is pleased to welcome all exhibitors to the 2024 Shaville Fair.
There are several options to register:
- Online - simply click the green button below to complete your registration
- Complete a form in Excel, print and send to the Fair Board Office - see To complete and print your entry form:
- Print and hand write on forms below or printed copy of forms available through the Fair Board Office
Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the office at 819-647-3213 or info@shawvillefair.ca.
We look forward to a successful event with your support!
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Please note: You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in order to view or to print the fairbooks.
An important notice for entrants to the Dairy Division.
Please read this notice about Avian Influenza in Dairy Cows.
- Homecrafts (Sections 1 - 7)
- Horticulture (Sections 8 and 9)
- Produce (Section 10)
- Poultry and Rabbits (Sections 13 and 14)
- Heavy Horse Division (Section 16)
- Western Horse Division (Section 17)
- Horse Pull (Section 19)
- Dairy Division (Sections 20 and 21)
- Beef Division (Section 21)
- 4-H Steer Finishing Club (Section 22)
- 4-H Junior Division (Section 23)
- Sheep Division (Section 24)
- 4-H Lamb/Goat Finishing Club (Section 25)
To complete and print your entry form:
All forms are provided in Excel (xls) format and can be filled out electronically and printed to be sent to the Pontiac Agricultural Society or you can choose to register online for any of our classes using the online entry system (large green button above).
Note: To download the Excel file you may need to right-click or cntrl-click (Mac) to bring up a pop-menu and select "Download linked file" if the file does not start to download automatically when you click on the link.
- Homecraft, Horticulture and Produce Entry Form (Sections 1 - 10)
- Poultry and Rabbits Entry Form (Section 13)
- Horses Entry Form (Sections 15 - 17)
- Cattle Entry Form (Sections 20 - 23)
- Sheep Entry Form (Section 24)
Pontiac Agricultural Society Bylaws
The direction and administration of the Society shall be entrusted to a President, 4 Vice-Presidents and Directors totaling a minimum of twenty (20) and a maximum of thirty (30). Directors shall be elected from members who have paid their membership prior to the Annual Meeting. No money shall be paid for services or expenses of the above-mentioned officers when fulfilling their ordinary duties, except the Secretary-Treasurer-Manager for his or her services in the said capacity.
The Annual Meeting of the members of the Society shall be held within ninety (90) days of the end of the Society year, October 31, and shall be presided over by the President or Vice-President, or in their absence a director chosen by the meeting. A vote by ballot may be requested by 2 persons having the right to vote. Any person may become a member of the Society by payment to the Secretary the sum of 40 dollars for regular members or 3 dollars for junior members (16 years of age and under as of September 30th of the current year). All exhibitors must be members.
All animals or other produce entered for competition must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor or a member of the household.
Domestic, industrial and dairy products must have been manufactured or grown during the year by the competitor.
Competition is open to Quebec residents (full & part time) – Region 7 only; except horse classes and other classes as may be specified.
When there is but one competitor in a class, or when an animal or article exhibited is not worthy of a prize, it shall be left to the discretion of the judge whether any prizes shall be awarded.
Any exhibitor or person who insults a judge or finds fault with him/her for any award made, or refuses to accept the prize awarded, or who shall afterwards on the premises of the Society use any contemptuous or abusive language to the judge, shall forfeit his/her right to any prize to which he/she might be otherwise entitled. Judges are requested to report any such interference.
While the Directors will take every possible precaution under the circumstances to ensure the safety of the exhibits, yet they wish to be understood that the owners, themselves must take the risk of exhibiting them.
All rights reserved unless written permission granted.
Should the funds of the Society be insufficient to pay the full amount of prizes, a certain percentage will be deducted.
Agricultural classes will receive at least 50% payment of prize accounts.
No person shall be allowed to sell or dispose of any fruits, foods, wares or merchandise on the Society’s grounds, or within three hundred yards thereof without having obtained the consent of the officers of the Society, nor shall any gambling or game of chance be allowed on the Society’s grounds or within a half mile thereof.
The Pontiac Agricultural Society will not be held responsible for any accidents occurring to its patrons on the fair grounds during the Fair or at any other time.
Should any dispute or question arise not provided for in the rules and regulations, the decision of the Board of Directors shall be final.
All exhibitors must complete an entry form.
If an entry form is incomplete or not submitted, the allotted prize money will not be paid.
Membership fee for the following year will be deducted from prize money cheque where applicable.
Prize money amounting to less than $5.00 per member shall not be mailed out, but may be picked up by the member at Pontiac Agricultural Society’s office during regular office hours from October 15 to December 1 of the current year.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to correct any errors in this book.